By Terry Miller
You might remember the name Tim Donnelly … you know, the assemblyman who attempted to get on a plane with a loaded weapon a while back.
Concerned that former Assemblyman Donnelly was cited and released after carrying a loaded firearm on an aircraft, a Southern California assemblywoman proposed a new state law to require that such offenders be arrested and taken into custody after similar incidents. Donnelly only received a slap on the wrist for such a potentially catastrophic oversight on his behalf.
Assemblywoman Norma Torres contends that bringing a loaded gun into a passenger airport is a serious violation and that the state should treat offenders consistently – with a jail booking, not a ticket.
“People should be on notice that we have zero tolerance for loaded guns at an airport,” said Torres, a Pomona Democrat whose district includes the airport where Donnelly was only cited.
Torres’ comments are, perhaps, an understatement in our climate of massive gun sales increases, particularly in the wake of the San Bernardino terrorist shooting last Christmas.
Aside from the crazy, inconceivable, and bizarre national election news, Republican Donnelly is making his own news once again, but this time by giving guns away at a fundraiser for his congressional bid … which, to this reporter seems a little over the top – to say the least.
Here is how Donnelly invited his “friends” to an upcoming ranch BBQ:
“Dear Patriots,
Come hang out with some conservative rock stars like The Politichicks (Ann-Marie Murrell, Actress Morgan Brittany, and Dr. Gina Louden), commentator and musician Alfonzo Rachel, and Debbie Turner, who played Marta from the “Sound of Music” and win a gun!
And the first 100 individuals to buy a ticket will be entered into an opportunity drawing for your choice of one of these three guns … The guns you can win include a Beretta T3 Lite .25-06 REM, a Charter Arms Undercover Lite .38SPL, and a Mossberg 500 Cruiser.
And the others will be auctioned off at my event!”
Listening to Marta from “The Sound of Music” paired with winning an undercover-lite .38 seems truly foolish, appalling and completely maniacal to say the least.
Donnelly posted the following recently on Facebook:
“There’s nothing in the world like the feel of cold blue steel in your hand. Such awesome power and tremendous responsibility. So many on the left are simply afraid of freedom, but the right to keep and bear firearms are the key to securing and safeguarding our freedom from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Godspeed … ”
Congressional candidates handing out guns at a fundraiser seems way beyond the realm of normal behavior. But then again, this is Tim Donnelly. Whatever is next?