By Dorothy Denne
Dear readers, this week is not a make-us-laugh column but please, please read it thoughtfully. I am sharing excerpts from a letter written by Alex Pacheco, relating to a cure for our tragic animal overpopulation.
“If you care about the plight of homeless animals, prepare to be shocked.
Did you know … that life-saving research is underway, right now, to permanently, compassionately, and safely solve the pet overpopulation crisis, and prevent immense animal suffering?
Did you also know … that global interests – making big money off the “euthanasia and animal control” machine – seek to derail that research? It is true. I will share details with you momentarily.
First, consider this staggering fact: Worldwide an estimated 600 million stray dogs and 100 million homeless cats live in misery. They barely survive, with nothing to eat but rotting garbage. Many are ravaged by distemper, mange, and infestations of ticks, fleas, and worms.
Tragic as their lives are, they unwittingly multiply. Year in and year out they reproduce and increase their numbers. But …
There is a simple spay and neuter cookie in development that could end this crisis. What is more, you will be happy to know that this spay/neuter cookie will work: without surgery, without killing, safely, permanently, humanely, and cost-effectively. Once completed, it will simply prevent reproduction in a single, safe dose. Forever.
It could change everything. But so far we have been outspent by our enemies.
600 Million Stray Dogs Need You is a registered U.S. charity that is working tirelessly to develop this cookie. I am Alex Pacheco, 600’s founder and winner of the Peace Abbey Courage of Conscience Award.
Believe me, with the drug industry and the “animal control industry” trying to stop us, I need every bit of that courage and conscience, and more … I need you. With enough funding we will be 10 to 18 months away from completing our crucial clinical trials to create the first formulas for this single-dose, animal birth control cookie that could change the world for homeless animals. In short, we need to raise $380,000 for these historic clinical trials.
Join me. Join Dorothy and join other members of 600. Together we will refuse to let big business continue to destroy the lives of helpless stray pets.”
(Dorothy again): I will be writing more on this in future columns, filling you in on 600’s viability, research updates, etc.
Meanwhile, to make a tax-deductible donation, make a check payable to 600 Million Dogs and mail to P.O. Box 1065, Pompano Beach, Fla., 33061-9842.
For more information, go to or call (305) 707-7046.
And feel free to tell them Dorothy Denne told you.