Billy Malone Walks ‘300 Miles in Your Shoes’ to Let Everyone’s Voice be Heard
Billy Malone, candidate for Supervisor of the 5th District in Los Angeles County, wants to walk 300 miles in your shoes.
Malone is taking a different approach to the normal political game. Not just donning a suit, repeating the same thing over and over again, changing the rhetoric to suit the audience, he understands that the people in his district are not game pieces … they have stories to tell, concerns to share, and needs to be filled.
Malone’s plan is to meet those people face-to-face, to literally walk where they walk, by walking through each city in the district – at least 10 miles a day for 30 days, for a total of 300 miles.
“This isn’t your usual precinct walk, knocking on doors of a targeted dense population or affluent neighborhoods,” explains Malone. “I’m walking through multiple precincts, it’s organic rather than based on voter demographics. It’s a continuous walk, a true on-the-ground campaign to connect me with the every day 5th District voter.”
Beginning in La Verne at the popular donut shop Miss Donuts, reaching as far north as Antelope Valley and as far east as Porter Ranch and ending in his hometown Altadena, Malone began his walk on April 12 and will complete it on approximately May 12. He will walk through roughly four cities a day, stopping into local businesses and chatting with residents along the way.
He has already garnered attention and positive reactions from people he has met on his first couple of days of walking.
“I’m meeting all kinds of people from every walk of life. People are eager to discuss the issues that are on their mind and I’m eager to hear their concerns and take the people’s voices with me to county,” says Malone. “It’s time the people are heard over downtown special interests.”
Whether it is a mile, or all 10, Malone encourages people to join him, “get some exercise, engage in some lively conversation, tell me what you want county to address … and get a cool t-shirt to boot when you join me.”
You can follow Malone’s progress, including his mapped walks, on his Facebook page: www.facebook.com/billymaloneforsupervisor.