Economic Development Analyst Tim Schwehr Previews City for Arcadia Chamber of Commerce
On May 5, the Arcadia Chamber of Commerce welcomes Tim Schwehr, economic development analyst, to present an exclusive commercial development preview of Arcadia circa 2020 at the monthly Government Affairs Forum.
An update regarding ongoing construction, recently approved projects, and potential future developments will be offered to Forum attendees that Thursday morning in the Chamber conference room.
Schwehr, AICP, has been established with the City of Arcadia since 2008 and is currently the economic development analyst in the development services department. He oversees the efforts to attract new businesses to Arcadia, as well as helps existing businesses to find greater success. Schwehr also acts as the city’s liaison to the business community and is a recruiter of new commercial development and rehabilitation projects – a true professional problem-solver.
Prior to his current position, Schewhr worked for seven years as a city planner in the Arcadia Planning Division, during which time he formed a planning-based approach to economic development.
Schwehr has a bachelor’s in political science from the University of Washington and a master’s in urban and regional planning from the Cal Poly Pomona College of Environmental Design. He is an accredited urban planner with the American Institute of Certified Planning (AICP).
The public is invited at 8 a.m. on the first Thursday of each month (except July and August) to hear free informative presentations at the Arcadia Chamber of Commerce’s monthly Government Affairs Forum. Led by Chairman Jack Orswell from Orswell & Kasman, Inc. Environmental Assessments & Consulting, the Forums are held in the Chamber’s conference room sponsored by Foothill Credit Union.
RSVPs to the Arcadia Chamber of Commerce are appreciated: (626) 447-2159 or info@arcadiacachamber.org.