By Pam Fitzpatrick
It’s spring — the Eastern Bunny is handing out lollipops in Old Town; we’re already gearing up for May’s Monrovia Day events, and as for me, I still have remnants of last season’s Santa visit in my living room. I’ll wager I’m not the only one rushing to keep up with the clock…
As far as I can see, after the Easter Bunny hops back into her time warp, this is what’s on the calendar for the next two weeks (remembering the Old Town definition of “two weeks” is “soon,” not necessarily 14 days): Mandy and Pinky Bagtas are reopening at 405-407 S. Myrtle (previously known as Le Gourmand) under a new name — “The Myrtle Street Café”; Bella Sera will open Bottega next to their trattoria; the Press Café will open at Paragon, and a new restaurant will open at 109 E. Lemon (where Devon/Bull Taco used to be). I’m hearing different names for this location (Hummos & Pita, The Diplomat), so we’ll all wait for the sign to come up. After all, naming a new business is at least as important (and anxiety-producing) as naming a first child, so I’m not all surprised about the changes.
As most of you know, speculation about what’s opening where and when is not the only topic of discussion around town. Who will end up with the contract to provide our Monrovia Street Fair? Will Old Town host a car show this year? And what’s up with Monrovia Days and the Parade?
First, the Monrovia Street Fair: The RFP (Request for Proposal) to manage the popular Fair has been posted on the City website at, and the deadline for responding is 5 p.m. on March 31, 2016. Per the website, “The event has been occurring in Monrovia for over 23 years, and for the majority of that time, the city’s Street Fair was managed by one operator. However, during the past year and half, the management structure of the Street Fair has transitioned three times. Through the RFP, THE City hopes to develop a longstanding relationship with an operator who has the capacity and ability to help identify ways to ensure the Street Fair remains a relevant and premier weekly event.” (And for the record, I am not on the lucky committee that gets to choose the next operator.)
Second, will there be a car show in Old Town this year? Looks like that question is still being discussed. Personally, I would love to see a family-friendly, safe, community car show in Old Town. We’ll see if that happens this year.
And now for the revival of the Monrovia Days Parade and the continuation of the fun in Library Park: the only thing I can say for sure is that the date and time is set for Saturday, May 14th from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. The actual events and parade details are still pretty sketchy (at least the ones being released to the public), but here’s what I do know: The City of Monrovia and the Monrovia Unified School District have agreed to pitch in funding to revive our once-traditional Monrovia Day Parade (this year it’s the celebration of Monrovia’s 130th birthday). In addition, they have agreed to work together, partnering with Centre Stage, on the events in Library Park. I understand the events in the park will include music, food booths and/or food trucks, game booths and vendor booths. In addition, it looks like MUSD is organizing a Beer & Wine Garden to augment the event. I’m hoping for more news to publish next week!
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