At Trask Scout Reservation, WeBelos Members of Monrovia Cub Scout Pack 66 were honored on Sunday, Feb. 28, 2016 as Pack 66 leaders, along with The Order of the Arrow Emcee Dave Sargent and Scoutmasters Ed Stegman (Duarte Troop 185) and David Van Slooten of La Canada Troop 398, held a cross-over ceremony where the WeBelos Scouts officially became Boy Scouts. As they crossed the bridge, both in a metaphorical and literal sense, these young scouts left the Cub Scout Pack to join their new colleagues as Boy Scouts.
Over several years Cub Scouts are taught the importance of building character, learn the responsibilities of citizenship, and develop personal fitness. As they demonstrate their ability to follow and achieve these ideals, the boys work their way through the Bobcat, Tiger, Wolf and Bear Cubs and receive badges.
After completing the requirements of those packs, the boys join the WeBelos, the fifth and highest rank of a Cub Scout. WeBelos help the boys make the transition into Boy Scouts as they learn how to take more control of their pack and increase their responsibilities and decision making skills. By earning their Arrow of Light Award requirements, including the Readyman and Outdoorsman Activity Badges, Cub Scouts are then prepared to cross the bridge to become Boy Scouts. The Arrow of Light is the Cub Scouts’ highest award, second only to a Boy Scouts’ Eagle Scout award. Individuals who have received their Arrow of Light include Adrian Guerrero, Elias Mulheim, Jacob Buan, Riley Dial Ward, Roman Bonilla, and Willem Aponno.
Their den leaders are Jessica Mulheim-Ward and Assistant Cubmaster Erick Bonilla. Den Leader Jessica, who volunteered for the Pack for four years, crossed them over into Troops 185 and 398. The Boy Scouts will receive patches they can sew onto their uniforms to display Arrow of Light and Super Achiever awards.
The Arrow of Light is much more difficult to obtain than a belt loop, an activity badge, or even one of the other rank patches. To obtain this award these scouts have met a number of requirements, including completion of eight activity badges, participation in camps, hikes and boy scout activities, the memorization of the Scout Oath and the Scout Law, and the commitment to live by these principles. The ceremony is in essence a ‘coming of age’ ceremony symbolizing that Cub Scouts are now ready to become Boy Scouts.
The WeBelos were honored with numerous certificates, City of Los Angeles Mayoral Recognition, City of Monrovia Mayoral Recognition, City of Monrovia Fire & Rescue, City of Monrovia Police Department Commendations, US National Park Service, and US Fish & Wildlife Service.
“I could not be more honored to be a part of these young Scouts’ transition and as their Cubmaster. No matter where they go in life, I will always be their Cubmaster and blessed to have been part of their Scouting career,” stated Cubmaster Mark Peters. “These young Scouts are our future and I hope with the experiences they have learned in Pack 66 will challenge them to lead their own Pack one day.”