By Pam Fitzpatrick
Monrovians embrace change – we just don’t like to be there when it happens! We get a little nervous during election time; we get fussy when the coffee changes at our favorite restaurant, and we definitely don’t like changes to our local events. Time to brace ourselves: change is coming…
First, Monrovia Days: after a long hiatus, the parade is back. The City of Monrovia has teamed up with the Monrovia School District to promise the return of our Monrovia Day celebration parade on Saturday, May 15th. In addition to the parade, the schools will be sponsoring some new events (think PIE EATING CONTEST!) in Library Park on that same day. We’ve grown used to the popular Center Stage Monrovia Day events in the park, but I hear both entities are working together to make this a change we will all love.
Now the September car show: social media negativity notwithstanding, the change from Street Rods Forever to Green Leaf Events as this year’s car show promoter was not only a good choice, it was a necessary choice. Event permits for street closures are detailed, requiring city approval for some very valid reasons. Public safety is top on the list of those reasons. Citing multiple safety and operational concerns, the Monrovia Old Town Advisory Board chose to reach out to another vendor for this year’s show. The September 24th car show will be held on Myrtle Avenue from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and will be the product of local merchant efforts instead of a private car club.
The talk of change reminds me that I received an email from Sandy Burud and Louise Robertson of the Monrovia Legacy Project last week. I’m happy to announce that the history of Old Town will be part of the three-year project designed to document, and eventually have available to the public, all of Monrovia’s history. Any photos, memories, narratives pertaining to our Historic District would be greatly appreciated. Please send them to me at pamfitz@verizon.net or call me at (626) 862-4297.
And yet another change: the restaurant formerly known as “Hummos & Pita” has changed its name before we got used to it (in fact, before they opened). “The Diplomat” will be opening on E. Lemon Avenue (where Bull Taco/Devon was) in about three weeks. I saw the interior this morning and it’s going to be classy.
A couple of updates: just outside of Old Town at The Paragon (700 block of Myrtle) the Press Café is almost ready to open. Almost, in this case, means four weeks. The Press Café will offer build-your-own gourmet paninis and gourmet coffee. I am so ready for this! My friend, Julie Kalicki of The Saltner is three weeks away from opening her doors on E. Lemon, right around the corner from Rudy’s. The Saltner will offer wine tasting and charcuterie plates. Julie is an excellent chief and her wine offerings will be new and unexpected (but wonderful!).
Glad to see the Sow House at Myrtle and Lime back open to a packed house. As for Le Gourmand on the west side of Myrtle across from the Krikorian Theater (400 block), I am holding my breath, hoping to see them open again in March under their new name, as promised.
Anything you’d like to see in The Old Town Report? Email me at pamfitz@verizon.net and check out our website at www.OldTownMonroviaCA.com.