The annual black history parade in Pasadena saw thousands line the streets last Saturday. The culture and achievements at Pasadena’s 34th annual Black History Parade and Festival included one of the biggest and longest-running Black History parades in California. This year’s theme was “Footprints in the Past – Stepping Stones to Our Future.”
More than 80 entries were featured in the parade, with participants traveling from as far as Bakersfield and San Diego. Featured acts include the Wilson Middle School Marching Band, New Buffalo Soldiers, local dance and drill teams, car and motorcycle clubs, musicians, community dignitaries and City officials. One of the top crowed pleasers was the Pasadena Drum Squad
The Celebrity Grand Marshals for the parade were members of the local rhythm and blues group “Troop.” Community Grand Marshals were centenarians Charles Johnson and Corrie Harris, who are among the oldest known African-Americans residing in the Pasadena area.