Reader Says Judy Chu Got Affordable Care Wrong
Dear Editor:
You (Judy Chu) provided the 218th vote for the Affordable Health Care Act. Without your vote, this law would not have passed. Employers have cancelled their paid medical insurance coverage with low deductions for the Cover California plan with high deductions paid by the employee. Millions of Californians will be assessed fines ($960 dollars and up) if they have no proof of medical insurance in 2015. Many hospitals that provide over 30 percent of medical care for low income individuals are filing bankruptcy or selling their hospitals because of the low reimbursement rates. Some medical doctors are closing their practice to become a contractor for medical providers for a fee to provide medical services to a certain number of patients. Many people cannot afford drugs that can extend their life under your A.H.C.A. This is only one issue of many that voters should consider before voting for you in 2016.
I encourage voters to read the web page of Congress Member Judy Chu to verify whether her record justifies voting for her and also check out Jack Orswell for Congress 2016.
Very Truly Yours,
– Floyd Folven