
Glowing Up With Internet Artist, Brittney Scott

Over the weekend, internet artist Brittney Scott served up neon signs of glowing affection during her solo exhibition, L7 at Chinatown’s Leiminspace gallery.


Inspired by selfies given to the artist by her friends, Scott creates neon squares which are, sans context, pleasant on sight, but grow in affect by the origin.  The start of Scott’s series showcased in L7 begins online, where her digital doodlings in addition to her amusing, relatable and endearing existential tweets garnered attention from the onlooking internet community.


The story begins when Scott’s digitally finger-painted sad face avi , which is now viewable on her website, unexpectedly became rather admired by thousands. Soon after, she had requests from total strangers, far and near, requesting she draw their portraits in the same style. Later, quite like Picasso — who jumped bluntly from appropriate artistic style of the now to the next emotionally pertinent demand — Scott began interpreting the selfie portraits as digital, antonymous, rectangular shapes. Dispersing digital doodles at her whim, the simplicity of the practice seemed to produce one of those rare and happy places online.


Recently, Scott transitioned her digital portraits to four-dimensional illuminated squares inspired by the self-taken images of her friends. Though the motivation and process remain the same, the end result shows itself to be something quite different– a little more sentimental in its affect, still painfully internet era-infused but now, in a way, sort of classic.
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Brittney Scott’s L7 is on view at Leiminspace, located at 443 Lei Min Way, Los Angeles, CA now, until February 11th.
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