The appointment of the Reverend Mark W. Demel as Senior Pastor to Our Savior Lutheran Church (OSLC), by Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) District President, the Reverend Dr. Larry Stoterau, took place at an afternoon service on Sunday, Nov. 15. A welcome dinner was served under a large tent on campus following the installation service.
The Rev. Mark Demel brings many gifts to the ministry of OSLC. This affords the church to move forward with vision and enthusiasm in the coming year. Focused on the Great Commission to make disciples, it is expected that the congregation will build on its strengths to be a “light” for the community.
After graduating from Cal Poly Pomona in 1978 and from Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne, Ind. in 1982, Pastor Demel served as Vicar at Peace Lutheran Church in Arvada, CO. His first accepted call was to St. Peter Lutheran Church in Davenport, NE. until 1987. He then accepted the call to Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Carson City, NV, where he served for 12 years before serving as pastor of Zion Lutheran Church in Fallbrook, CA, until his recent appointment to OSLC.
Pastor Demel and his wife, Cathy, who was born in Arcadia, celebrate 39 years of marriage this month and raised four daughters: Jennifer and Adam Musgrave and daughter in Fallbrook, CA; Becky and Jim Bryant in Reno, NV; Erica and Drew Hantula with three children, in Eastvale, CA; and Melody Demel in Culver City, CA, who will marry Alex Walker next September.
Pastor Demel is an avid sports fan and he and his wife, Cathy, love to travel. They are excited to begin this ministry at OSLC and very grateful for the warm welcome they have received. Services at OSLC are held Saturday at 5 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall, Sunday at 8 and 10:45 a.m. in the church sanctuary, Praise Service at 7 p.m., and a shortened liturgical service on Monday at 7 p.m. Adult and children’s Sunday School is at 9:30a.m. The church is located at 512 West Duarte Road. For more information please call the church office at (626) 447-7690.