On Doo Dah day Sunday Nov. 22, the streets ( well two blocks in East Pasadena) were filled with a memorable cast of local eccentrics, disruptors, pundits, mutant art cars, floats and boats, lone wolves, steam punks, makers and merrymakers led by Grand Marshal Juli Crockett & the Evangenitals, Her Royal Majesty Queen Veronika MeowMeowz, Howdy Krishna, The Nut Camp, Car Pool DeVille, Radioactive Chickenheads, Flying Baby Naptime Aerialists, Bernie Sanders for President, Coyote Jeff’s Saucers, Crimebo the Clown & Dr. Morbius, Klingon Assault.
The annual rite-of-passage involved a billion flying tortillas and a contingent dedicated to Bernie Sanders’ presidential bid….no immediate sign of Trump but then, why would there be?
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Photos by Terry Miller
The madness continued with… The Army of Toy Soldiers, Kilt Brigade, Route 66 Royalty, Senor Groucho, Partridge Family, Drunk in the Garage, Tortilla Target, The Billionaires, My Little Horse Cherry, Bearded Ladies, Aquatrope, Fashion on the Fly, Count Smokula, OC Norml’s Mardi Grass, Cupcake Cars, 35th Dragoon Guards, L.A. Derby Dolls, Bearded Ladies, Circuit Benders, Murrugun the Mystic, Code Blue DeFibs, Carrotheads of Laguna Beach, Space Trash, The Zucchini King, Man as Giraffe, SuperFunWheel, Motorized Furniture, Rumpel, Recumbent Revolution, and legendary Doo Dah house band, Snotty Scotty & the Hankies. Secret Santa, Doo Dah’s take on the North Pole icon, will close the parade and ring in the holiday season. Oh, yes, and the world’s tallest girl scout! And many more!
More Wonderful photos here by Trevor Stamp: