Gobble gobble! The Pasadena Senior Center, 85 E. Holly St., will continue its Thanksgiving tradition this year by offering a traditional turkey feast with all the trimmings Thursday, Nov. 26, at noon.
They’ll even do all the cooking and cleanup, so all you have to do is come!
You, your family and friends will sit comfortably at beautifully decorated tables. A delicious Thanksgiving meal, specially prepared by Chef Vince, will be served at your table. You’ll savor all your favorites: roasted turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, vegetables, salad, beverage and dessert.
Prepaid reservations must be received at the Welcome Desk no later than Monday, Nov. 23.
The cost is only $10 for members and $12 for non-members of all ages.
For more information, visit www.pasadenaseniorcenter.org or call (626) 685-6724.
Founded in 1959, the Pasadena Senior Center is an independent nonprofit agency that offers recreational, educational, wellness and social services to people ages 50 and over in a friendly environment. Services are also provided for frail, low-income and homebound seniors.