In the cold and unforgiving hills of Afghanistan, scorching 100+ degree days in the Iraqi desert, and steamy jungles of Viet Nam, they all reached the same conclusion. War is an ungodly hell not soon forgotten! The emotional trauma of injuries received and comrades lost never healed. He has Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD); they just said he was “shell shocked.” War-scarred and traumatized, unlike others who successfully stepped back into life, these are the walking wounded whose terrors trumped a healthy recovery, job, and a place to call home. They sleep on park benches, in alleys, under freeways, and in the canyons with no cover from the elements. And El Nino is coming. Who will protect those who protected our freedoms from the impending storms?
You can!
Friday, Nov. 6 and 13, members of the Veterans-based nonprofit, Thank A Vet Inc. (TAV) will be the guests of Jerry Diaz and Greenleaf Productions at the Monrovia Street Fair soliciting in-kind donations for homeless Veterans. TAV’s founder and CEO is Sgt. Major and Iraq War Hero Jesse R. Acosta. In January of 2006, at Anaconda Base in Bilad, Iraq, a mortar sailed through both eyes, robbing him of sight, taste, and smell. Declared dead, he awoke in Germany and commenced a long recovery that continues to this day. 50 surgeries later, he suffers the effects of PTSD, TBI, and shrapnel that continue to erupt through his skin. Today the Sgt Major has committed his life to helping Vets in need. A motivational speaker and advocate for the disabled—especially disabled warriors—Acosta successfully championed legislation for the blind. In October 2010, he stood beside the President for the signing of HR 3101.
Sgt. Major Acosta and his team ask for your support. These are ways you can help. Please contribute what you can, or simply say thank you to the War Hero and his team!
We need: umbrellas, rain ponchos, all-weather blankets, travel-sized toiletries (male and female), feminine hygiene products, new packages of underwear, new packages of socks, gift cards to local area fast-food restaurants (Subway, McDonalds, Taco Bell, Starbucks), new and gently used backpacks, recyclable cloth or durable plastic grocery bags, used purses large enough to pack supplies, sweaters/sweatshirts, hand wipes, ziplock plastic bags – quart sized, and most importantly, Messages of Holiday Cheer!
For additional info, please contact Thank A Vet, Inc. P O Box 691, Stanton, CA 92680, (714) 517-1077, EIN 27-2348844.