The Scott Pavilion at Pasadena Senior Center will be transformed into an elegant, beautifully decorated tea room Monday, Nov. 23, from 3:30 to 5 p.m.
Pasadena Senior Center members will enjoy high tea with 2016 Rose Queen Erika Karen Winter and her Royal Court – Bryce Marie Bakewell, Natalie Breanne Hernandez-Barber, Donaly Elizabeth Marquez, Regina Marché Pullens and Sarah Sumiko Shaklan.
Prepaid $10 reservations must be received at the Pasadena Senior Center Welcome Desk no later than Thursday, Nov. 19.
Entertainment will be provided by The Tap Chicks. The event is sponsored by Chado Tea Room. For more information, visit www.pasadenaseniorcenter.org or call (626) 685-6724.
Founded in 1959, the Pasadena Senior Center is an independent, nonprofit organization that offers recreational, educational, wellness and social services to people ages 50 and over in a friendly environment. Services are also provided for frail, low-income and homebound seniors.