A wise, reputable young woman by the name of Regina George once said, “Halloween is the one night a year when girls can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it.”
While this is true, we can’t get behind reductive costumes. Sexy nurse? Sexy superhero? Sexy whatevercharacterthatwasdefinitelynevermeanttobesexy? Over it.
Ladies, gents, let’s get creative this year with some less conventional ideas. And if you’re dressing up with friends or family—all the more room for creative DIYs!
Keep reading to see our favorites in Halloween costumes for 2015.
For Girls:
Pop Art Makeup
It’s like you jumped out of a page of a comic book! There are several makeup tutorials with instructions on how to achieve this look.
Kylie Jenner
This self-proclaimed “fashion mogul” was indeed responsible for setting a lot of trends this year. Overlining lips, the quest to find her lipstick shade, colorful hair, and full lashes- the YouTube makeup community exploded with “Kylie Jenner Makeup Tutorial” videos. Go all out this Halloween with this and her whole ensemble.
Imperator Furiosa
As soon as Mad Max: Fury Road came out, women started dressing and making themselves up as our fearless heroine. There’s something empowering about not taking shit from any tyrannical ruler. Find the makeup tutorial here and an article on how one dedicated cosplayer constructed Furiosa’s prosthetic arm.
For Guys:
Green Army Man
The easiest DIY, hands down.
Derek Zoolander
Really, really, really ridiculously good-looking. Make sure to get the poses down.
A Banksy Painting
Who doesn’t love Banksy? Become a work of art- here‘s some help.
For Couples:
Danny & Sandy from Grease
Tell me about it, stud~ Slap on some tight pleather and red lipstick, quaff your man’s hair, and you’re already halfway to transforming into this iconic 70’s duo.
Khal Drogo and Khaleesi from Game of Thrones
The show’s cult following doesn’t need it to be Halloween to do some cosplay. Especially for 2 of the show’s favorite characters.
Portlandia’s Toni and Candace
For the eccentric duo.
For the Squad:
Orange is the New Black
This drama-filled Netflix hit has characters almost as interesting as your real-life girlfriends.
Sailor Moon
“In the name of the moon, we will punish you!”
Inside Out
Pixar’s cerebral masterpiece of a movie became an instant favorite among audiences across all ages things year. Any other time, it would’ve been nerdy as hell to dress up as “Basic Human Emotions,” but now, it’s pretty relevant.
The Peanuts Crew
Good grief.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Just. Awesome. I call Groot! *does the post-cedit groot dance*
For the whole family:
Peter Pan
Because you don’t want the little ones to ever grow up! And because the Harris-Burtka fam is everything.
The Incredibles
This one is an easy DIY! Just grab some red tights and long sleeves to make everyone look incredible together.
Bob’s Burgers Family