Wanna be the next Doo Dah Queen … and who doesn’t? This is your chance at fame and fortune.
Make sure to dress for the occasion, you will have three minutes to show the judges why you should be queen … and that’s where the fun begins. In previous years the antics on stage have become legendary and gone largely unsung by the “mainstream press.” However, Pasadena Independent has covered this coveted crowning ritual since time began … or at least for the last 17 years.
Snotty Scotty and the Hankies will be playing and drinking … two of the things they do best.
This really is a must-see event, especially if you’ve never experiences a Doo Dah Queen Tryout.
If you’d like more information, tips or to let ‘em know you’re trying out, call or email Patricia: (626) 590-1134 or email hurleypanne@yahoo.com.
American Legion Post 280 in (East) Pasadena, 179 N. Vinedo Ave. Pasadena. Tryouts start at 4 p.m.; Queen Hopefuls arrive between 3 and 4 p.m. First 20 queen hopefuls to arrive are free. General Public $5 cover.