A showcase for men’s voices, a foot-stomping country fundraiser, a Kids in Concert! holiday choral performance and more are ahead at St Luke’s Episcopal Church, 122 S. California Ave. at Foothill Blvd. in Monrovia. The public is invited.
-Saturday, Oct. 17, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.: Parking Lot Sale with Monrovia League and Rebuilding Together. Two organizations will be raising funds for their efforts by selling an array of clothing, household items and more. Proceeds will help fund the League’s support of worthwhile local organizations and Rebuilding Together’s rehabilitation projects for low-income homeowners, particularly the elderly and those with disabilities.
-Sunday, Oct. 18, 4 p.m.: Twelfth Annual Men’s Evensong Invitational.
Sung by the men of the choir of St. Luke’s with invited guest singers from many other parishes. Selections will include Jones: Phos Hilaron and Preces and Responses, Batten: Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis, and Vaughan Williams: Lazarus. Jim Campbell will be cantor. A freewill offering will be taken, and a wine and cheese reception will follow the service.
-Saturday, Nov. 14, 6 to 9 p.m.: Stompin’ Country Music and Western Line Dancing Supper.
Come for the barbecue, stay for live music plus line dancing cued by local caller/instructor Bill Berry. Performers include singer/banjoist Pam Kaye, dance group The Tap Chicks, a ukulele group led by Kelly Lauer, guitar duets by Kevin Ashe and Les Eisel, and more. Proceeds benefit the parish’s community service efforts and the building fund for the landmark 1924 church. Order $25 tickets soon at brownpapertickets.com
-Saturday, Dec. 12, 7:30 p.m.: San Gabriel Valley Choir Company Kids in Concert!
The culmination of a seven-week SGVC workshop designed to help students in grades 1-8 improve memory, critical thinking, cooperation, concentration, rhythmic coordination, and music literacy skills. Tickets are $15, Students/Seniors are $10, and Kids under 12 are $5 ($20/$12/$5 at the door).
-Coming in January 2016: Torch Song Supper.
With roots in Monrovia dating to the 1890s, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church is an inclusive church that welcomes and embraces all to its community. The landmark 1924 Romanesque church is located at 122 S. California Avenue at Foothill Boulevard. Eucharist services are held on Sundays at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. and Wednesdays at 12:10 p.m. The Reverend Neil Tadken is Rector. For more, visit saintlukesmonrovia.org.