Storytelling captivated the hearts of 400 of Pasadena’s top philanthropists and community leaders at the annual Planned Parenthood Pasadena and San Gabriel Valley (PPPSGV) Fall Benefit, “A One-Night with Dr. Ruth.” Dr. Jennifer McNulty, Chair of the Board, opened the evening by announcing the Stan and Jo Ann Taylor Founders Circle, a prelude to the upcoming bequest challenge for the Legacy Society. The naming honors the late Mr. and Mrs. Stan and Jo Ann Taylor and their family for their legacy of support for Planned Parenthood.
President and CEO Sheri Bonner spoke movingly about the people who come to Planned Parenthood, describing them as “brave, determined, and taking responsibility for their health and their lives.” She went on to share her vision for the future, including “a world where the power of our voices joined together protects every woman’s right to plan her pregnancies and to plan her future.”
Not a dry eye remained after three health educators related stories of the community members they work with every single day. From a single father of five girls taking time off work to attend a parent workshop, to a scared teen girl seeking guidance during her pregnancy, these stories are part of the reason Planned Parenthood has been part of the community for 82 years.
“Stories like this give me hope that one day all of us will have the agency we need to shape our own destinies the best way we see fit,” said health educator Rosanna. “Every day Planned Parenthood works to create a world where no woman, man, gender queer, trans, teen, or parent has to face shame or stigma.”
Adding to the storytelling was this year’s Keynote Speaker, Dr. Ruth, best known for pioneering frank discussions about sex on radio and television and whose early work at Planned Parenthood led her to pursue her studies in human sexuality.
“I’m here today at the age of 87 to talk about sex,” Dr. Ruth said. “How fortunate are we in this country to have the best knowledge of sexuality and a place like Planned Parenthood. You are significant other; significant other is a sociological term that says you’re making a difference in this world and you are!”
Joan C. Caillouette, former Board member and long-time volunteer, served her fifth consecutive year as Patron Chair, along with event Co-Chairs Karen Hillenburg and Yvonne Zaro and patron committee members Mary Blodgett, Louise Brinsley, Annie Brose, Carla Buigues, Joan Cathcart, Kate Clavijo, Sally De Witt, Brooke Larsen Garlock, Priscilla Gibbs, Kathy Gillespie, Ying-Ying Goh, Brenda Goldstein, Fiona Harwich, Annie Higgins, Anne Kennedy, Susan Kranwinkle, Jennifer Lulla, Kristin Maschka, Stephanie McLemore, Jennifer McNulty, Bonner Meudell, Terry Paule, Anne Peterson, Dave Quast, Jacqueline Samols, Juliana Serrano, Nick Taylor, Jan Tranquada.
Corporate sponsors included Perry, Neidorf & Grassl, LLP, United Plankton Pictures, Kaiser Permanente, City National Bank, Learning Works, Canterbury Landscaping, Gluck Building Company, Huntington Hospital, Julienne Fine Foods and Celebrations, Spertus, Landes & Umhofer, LLP.