What happens to foster youth who “age out” of receiving assistance from the foster care system at the age of 18? The thought of living life as an independent adult can be daunting for a young adult who has the safety net of a loving and supportive family. Imagine the challenges faced by a young person who doesn’t have the benefit of any of that.
Journey House has launched a “Beyond Foster Care” campaign to raise awareness about how the current foster care system contributes to a pervasive pattern and high rates of young adult homelessness, incarceration, and substance abuse among former foster youth. Staffed by two former foster youth who are currently in college, the mission of the campaign is to raise awareness through advocacy to enhance the lives of former foster youth. Thousands of foster youth find themselves in dire situations immediately, or shortly after having to strike it out on their own after reaching the age of adulthood. The three-pronged campaign is designed to Educate, Advocate, and Empower this population.
It is amazing to hear the personal stories from young adults who have beaten the odds while facing the challenges of becoming independent, as well as those still trying to finding their way. We are very proud of the progress of all of our Journey House “kids” and we are especially excited about more than 60 of these former foster youth who are currently attending a college or university.
Journey House is asking for your support to help former foster youth stay in college and complete their degrees. We invite you to attend or support a fundraising dinner at Brookside Golf Course in Pasadena at 7 p.m. on the evening of Thursday, Nov. 5, 2015. Come and meet some of our young adult “kids” who will be showcasing their progress, accomplishments and sharing stories about their trials and triumphs, as well as aspirations that are becoming reality because of Journey House.
For information on how to purchase tickets, donate a silent auction item or to sponsor a Journey House “kid,” call (626) 798-9478 or email us at info@journeyhouseyouth.org. Please visit our website for more information about “Beyond Foster Care” at: www. http://journeyhouseyouth.org/.
Pasadena-based Journey House is a nonprofit organization established in 1983 with the
sole purpose to assist emancipated foster youth to meet their independent living needs.