Over 200 ‘Cars’ Park at Kid’s Drive-In Movie Night
By Susan Motander
Monrovia Public Library turned its Community Room into a drive-in theater last weekend. The best part was that the children were able to create their own cars.
With a generous donation from the grateful parents of Noah Gutierrez, a regular patron of the children’s section of the library, the youngsters attending the movies turned specially-crafted cardboard boxes into cars. Noah’s father, Victor, works for International Paper, which makes boxes for commercial uses. The boxes he and his wife Leticia gave the library were designed to be turned into cars. With the help of plastic and paper plates (tires and steering wheels), and plastic domed drink lids (headlights) along with lots of construction paper (paint jobs), the boxes became custom cars.
The Storytime room at the library was turned into a garage for the creation of the cars. With help from parents and librarians, the youngsters designed their own vehicles and then “drove” them to the community room turned drive-in for the afternoon to watch Pixar shorts.
Library volunteers came and clipped on a shoebox of snacks for each driver to the side of the cars, so the children could snack while enjoying the movies. The program had 227 in attendance and used up the 100 boxes which were donated to the program
From the excitement in the “Storytime Garage” it was not clear if the movie or the creation of the cars was the more pleasurable part of the afternoon.