Maranatha Students Serve in Nicaragua
Whether in Pasadena, New Orleans, Dominican Republic, or Nicaragua, Maranatha High School students are learning how to make a difference in our world. This June approximately thirty students and staff spent two weeks in Nicaragua working with Alongside Ministries, a non-profit that works alongside those who are hurting and in need.
Maranatha students were able to serve in multiple aspects of the ministry. Students worked to finish building a pool and surrounding fence, painted a few murals to beautify the walls, worked to fix up the baseball field, participated in a feeding program, hosted a clothing sale with items donated from MHS, organized a soccer tournament and game night, put on skits for the local youth, and watched Big Hero 6 with kids in the neighborhood. One of the highlights for the students was the opportunity to visit locals’ homes for dinner. Many homes were very modest with cement floors and some even experienced live chickens on the table or in the corner of the kitchen, or cows tied in the front yard. Students were touched by the hospitality and generosity of the families and their eyes were opened to how some in Nicaragua live.
“Despite the heat and travel sickness, our team worked very hard,” said John Rouse, the school’s Admissions Director and trip leader. “Through dinners with locals and playing with kids on a daily basis, our students had a first-hand look at the fruits of their labors. They learned a lot about service, gained a broader perspective on the world, and witnessed the deep impact a ministry can have when it sets roots and invests in a community.”