One of the City’s most important booster stations is located at 510 S. Mountain Ave. That facility, which is known as the Mountain Avenue Booster Station, feeds both the Cloverleaf Reservoir and the other portions of the Cloverleaf Pressure Zone. In total, 90.95 percent of all of the water supplied to customers runs through this particular booster pump location.
According to City Manager Oliver Chi’s weekly report, “It appears that one of the critical booster pumps (Booster 2-4) at the Mountain Avenue Booster Station has been inoperable since February 2005. This situation does need to be resolved, as we are relying on our other pumps at the station operating at full capacity in order to be able to supply enough water to our customers during our summer months.
“In fact, our team observed that during the summer of 2014 that we on several occasions nearly ran out of water for the Cloverleaf Pressure Zone due to the fact that our remaining booster pumps could not quite keep up with the customer demand on our water systems. To further exacerbate the situation, during a very recent inspection, staff determined that one of the remaining critical booster pumps (Booster 2-1) at the Mountain Avenue Booster Station is in need of major repairs. “While that booster pump is operating now, staff is certain that the pump will fail at some point in the near future. The city is undertaking emergency repairs to Booster Pump 2-4 at the Mountain Avenue Booster Station to ensure that we will not have a system failure should Booster Pump 2-1 stop working.”