Methodist Hospital again will offer Stepping Forward, a free body-and-mind strengthening program to survivors of any type of cancer. Classes are held twice a week, Mondays and Wednesdays from 6 to 8 p.m., for five weeks.
The next session of five-week classes will be Monday, July 27, through Wednesday, August 26, in the hospital’s cardiac rehabilitation center.
The program is open to anyone who has been diagnosed with any type of cancer (including recurrent cancer) and who has weakness and difficulty engaging in home activities due to cancer-related fatigue. Anyone who is interested in learning about exercises, cancer education, survivorship and meeting new people in the community is welcome as well.
Stepping Forward strives to help cancer survivors regain physical functioning, reduce cancer-related fatigue, and improve quality of life. The program includes therapist-led exercise/fitness instruction and educational talks by specialists in areas such as cancer pathology, cancer treatment, nutrition, acupuncture, meditation, lymphedema, current research, and community support services.
If you or someone you know might benefit from this program, please call the physical medicine department at (626) 574-3630 for more information and registration materials. Class size is limited to 12 people, so call early!