Entire Community Invited to Sign Up, Celebrate, Support “Reading to the Rhythm”
Every summer, Monrovia Public Library brings the joy of reading to the community. In partnership with the California Library Association, the Library is presenting the music rich theme of “Read to the Rhythm.”On Saturday, June 20 from 12 to 5 p.m., the Library will host the 2015 Summer Reading Club Kickoff. The main event will be the unveiling of two giant paint-by-number art murals created in partnership with Mt. Sierra College. Mt. Sierra College sponsored a mural design contest for their students. Lara Da Costa and Scott Lane won the contest and each received a full semester scholarship from the college. Everyone is welcome to contribute to the unique community art murals. The Kickoff will also include rhythmic events including the music of Kattywompus, Carole Anne Kaufman – The Whistling Diva, hula lessons, the musical talents of Giving Bach, Monrovia High School’s Drumline, Zumba Fun, poetry, dance, crafts, food trucks and more!
The California Library Association (CLA), together with iRead, a self-supporting literacy effort, generously provides a statewide summer reading program to California libraries. CLA has challenged California public libraries to achieve one million signups for the Summer Reading Club. Monrovia plans to do its part by signing up at least 2,000 participants. Will you accept the #OneMillionReaders challenge?
What does the Library aim to accomplish through the SRC?
Summer reading clubs build reading skills and a community of readers. The Library’s mission is to provide the tools to bridge the summer gap, while inspiring literacy and lifelong learning. The summer reading program is a great way for children to work towards staying academically prepared …. The program is designed so that every participant, regardless of age or reading ability, is encouraged to make reading a part of their daily activities.
The 2015 Summer Reading Club registration starts June 15 and the program will continue through August 1. You can register online at cityofmonrovia.org/library or come to the Monrovia Public Library starting June 15. Children, Teens, and Adults are encouraged to complete reading goals and participate in storytimes, movie nights, art projects, STEAM challenges (science, technology, engineering, art and math), food and juicing programs, family yoga, yarn bombing and summer shows in Library Park. Participants have a chance to receive free books and prizes donated by local businesses and organizations, including the Monrovia Public Library Foundation, Friends of the Monrovia Public Library, and Monrovia Reads. The Library will encourage summer readers to share their reading choices, reading activities, and how the Library is making a difference in their lives.
Monrovia’s Summer Reading Club costs and prizes are generously financed through grants and donations from individuals, businesses, and organizations. Most come from Monrovia, but some come from surrounding cities or national corporations. This year, 121 donors are helping to support this worthwhile program.
The Summer Reading Club runs for seven weeks, ending on Saturday, August 1. You can visit the website at http://www.cityofmonrovia.org/library or call the Monrovia Public Library at (626) 256-8274 for more information.
Everyone is encouraged to sign up for the Summer Reading Club and help California public libraries reach our goal of #OneMillionReaders. The Summer Reading Club is for YOU!