The last Evensong of the 2014-2015 season will be sung at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church on Sunday, May 17 at 4 p.m. The church is located at 122 S. California Ave. at Foothill Blvd. in Monrovia.
The St. Luke’s Choir, with guest singers, will sing music for Ascension Sunday, including the Norwich Use Preces and Responses and the John Blow Magnificat and NuncDimittis. The anthem will be O God, the King of Glory by Orlando Gibbons. Jenny Ohrstrom, Pat Edwards, Sarah Reynolds, and Dermot Kiernan will be soloists. The Rev. Neil Tadken will be officiant and cantor.
A freewill offering will be taken. There will be a wine and cheese reception in Guild Hall after the service.