There is nothing new in the world except for the history you do not know. It’s not enough to know history without doing something about the future.
The group in town known as “Preserve Sierra Madre” keeps up an attack to prevent any new homes from being built. If they want to preserve the City, then why don’t they focus on bringing back some of the businesses that were in town before. We had two grocery stores, a custom men’s clothing store, a shoe store, several women’s clothing stores, and three more gas stations than we have today. There are many other things in our history that are not here today.
Has the time come that we see our community with renewed vision? What is out of place? What needs to be rebuilt or renewed and what needs to be torn down and replaced with new?
It is not enough to know history without doing something about the future. The thoughts for 2015, actions and reactions are not yet performed.
Successful people are people who do things differently than unsuccessful people. Some may be tempted to blame the economy on any number of excuses why our town is going in reverse. Only those who refuse to adopt, change with the times, and set new goals are trapped in such a moment. This is akin to a ship dropping anchor and then wondering why other ships are passing it by.
Any new venture begins with questions. Has the time come that we see our City with renewed vision? What needs to be rebuilt for renewal and what needs to be torn down and replaced with new?
What is the look of our town? How are we seen by others and how does the look of our town affect the daily attitude of its residents?
Will we still allow the preserve group to continue their path of destruction of our City; or will the people start putting forth a new vision of growth and new development in order to bring our City to new heights and make it a better place to live!
The things that we do today, the decisions we make, the more we change things for growth, will all have a dramatic effect on the viability of our “Village of the Foothills”. The biggest mistake being made at the moment is the efforts to stop any form of new construction. The decisions made today will create the total of the way our City looks in the future.
If we do not change things, will we be sorry when it becomes history? Let us hear what you think!
-Sierra Madre Watchman