
Readers’ Tough Comments on Pasadena City Manager

Mr. Beck, your days are numbered and you need to go!
You need to think of somebody, anybody other than your selfish self for a minute and quit your position as city manager immediately. You are going to force us as your ignored constituents, to legally remove you from office. The blame for the embezzlement fiasco resides solely with you, Mr. Beck. You fired, for no good reason, many of the city managers and the city auditor who were in place as checks and balances for the city’s services and financial safeguard. And for what reason? Who did you replace them with? Hand picked people from outside the city of Pasadena, brought in by you without ANY scrutiny from city officials or Dept. heads. If I didn’t know any better, I could easily confuse what you’ve done to the city of Pasadena with a mob take over but without the blood shed. You fired good people who were better than you then you forced their silence with a gag order and intimidation of losing their severance pay if they spoke out against being unjustly fired.
You’re going Mr. Beck and if you have to be shamed out of office kicking and screaming, so be it.
Wake up! out of your complacency City council members and fire Mr. Beck or you’re going too!

Marion Fry
Via: PasadenaIndependent.com

Excellent, comprehensive, and THE best article I have read in a long time!! Nick Kipley, excellent reporting!! You get 10,000 and more gold stars on this article. And, stating facts and not cow towering down to governmental PR!! When Jason Hunter and Raychele Sterling stood up against what was wrong doing by our government, they lost their jobs and were shunned! They were protecting our rights and the misuse of our monies!

Aurora Chavez
Via: PasadenaIndependent.com

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