If ever there was a misnaming of a group of Sierra Madre citizens it certainly is the name that they have adopted. This kind of thinking is nothing new to our City.
They can only think of “there are new homes and that this is bad for our City”. This fact is that new homes have and are being built all around constantly and this in no way is harmful.
The areas that they are talking about have been a part of the City for almost a century under private ownership. Do these owners have the right to build on their property? The answer is absolutely!
There is only one home trying to obtain approval so that they can build. The only reason that is subject to this exercise is because of the Hillside Ordinance, which was originally adopted for the Canyon area which has lot sizes as small as 25 x 60 feet and any number of geographical problems. If this home was located anywhere else in town then a conditional use permit would not be required and the permit could be obtained at the Building Department counter.
On the subject of water, the limited amount of rain that we have received up until now still is 75% above normal, so we are recovering from the drought. Aside from this, the City and the people’s conservation has resulted in a 9,000 acre feet of build-up in our aquifer. No water shortage and enough surplus to allow a home to be built.
If this group would spend their time and energy doing something positive to preserve our City – first, take care of their own property, and volunteer to help the various volunteer groups in town, such as the Historical Society, the Library, the 4th of July committee, the Mountain Wilson Trail Maintenance, the Rose Float Committee, just to name a few.
Help your neighbors and be sure to purchase your needs from the stores and restaurants in the City. Go to the Sierra Madre Playhouse. These are the positive things that make our City great.
In other words – “Accent the positive and eliminate the negative”. Become a builder and stop trying to deny others from their own property rights.
If all else fails, go to church and help out there, and remember to love thy neighbor as you love yourself.
Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Pasadena Independent Preserve Sierra Madre
Preserve Sierra Madre
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