
Weight loss: Easier Than You Think

Your 2015 Fitness Resolution Solved

You said it, “This year I will lose weight”. Then you agreed with yourself that you would eat less and move more. Thousands of Americans have stepped into 2015 with the same resolution, but resolving is not enough. Now it’s time to make and execute a plan.

You’ve been on the aisle in the bookstore for weight loss. You stand there and see diets consisting of: low fat, high carbohydrates, high fat, no carbohydrates, meat, no meat, grain, no grain, dairy or no dairy? Some examples of popular diets include: Paleo, Vegan, Zone, or Plant Based. There are numerous variations on all of these, and each with their own slant on how macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates and fat) should be consumed. Here’s the dilemma: Who is right and which is the “best” program to follow?

The answer to this dilemma is to find the program you can embrace and consistently follow. A nutritional program well executed will deliver results, and the key to those results is adherence. Find a plan that you can work into your lifestyle, let go of perfection and get started. Dr. John Berardi, founder of Precision Nutrition, offers these 5 principles for choosing an effective health and fitness program.

” They raise nutrition awareness and attention. Whether it’s eating leaner meats, decreasing processed foods, or adding more veggies. Research is now showing that simply paying better attention to what you eat is a key factor in whether you’ll lose fat, get lean, and improve your health. What you focus on may not matter as much as simply caring more about what you’re eating in the first place.
” They focus on food quality. All of the above programs advocate minimally processed, whole, nutrient-rich foods.
” They help eliminate nutrient deficiencies. A responsible program helps correct nutritional deficiencies such as: water intake, vitamins, minerals, proteins and essential fatty acids.
” They help control appetite and food intake. Eating quality whole food is more satisfying and reduces cravings for unfavorable processed carbohydrates. This results in fat loss, and the ability to sustain weight loss for a lifetime.
” They promote regular exercise. An effective nutrition program is best coupled with appropriate exercise, which will help to facilitate healthy body composition and a more efficient metabolism. Ask yourself what fitness commitments you can make this year and do them.

Create and sustain your results in 2015 by simply showing up every day. Not by trying to get it right. Live your life; the one you want, and introduce real, beneficial eating and movement plans into your life. Unless you can predict the future you don’t know what this year will bring. One thing you do have control over is your plan to stick with it. Keep at it and you will win!

To obtain the research used in this article contact Move Your Mountain Fitness. Consult a physician before starting any nutritional or movement program.

Written by Stephanie and Hope -Certified Personal Trainers in Arcadia-
A unique private studio-www.MoveYourMountain.com

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