The Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD) is seeking applicants to fill current vacancies on the Citizens’ Oversight Committee, which is responsible for ensuring accountability of work funded by Measure TT, the school improvement bond approved by voters in November 2008. The committee meets regularly to review spending, financial and performance audits, and the efforts of District staff to maximize bond revenues and minimize costs.
Under California’s Proposition 39, school bonds like Measure TT are required to establish Citizens’ Oversight Committees. The committee must consist of at least seven members who serve without compensation and are appointed by the Board of Education for no more than three consecutive two- year terms. School officials or employees, consultants, vendors or contractors of the District cannot serve on the committee. The oversight committee must include the following:
o One member representing the business community
o One senior citizens organization member
o One active member of a bona fide taxpayer association
o A parent or guardian of a child enrolled in PUSD
o A parent or guardian of a child enrolled in PUSD. This parent must be active in a PTA or school site council
o Other members as desired
You may download an application at Completed applications must be submitted no later than 4:00 p.m. on January 6, 2015 to:
John Pappalardo, Chief Finance Officer
Pasadena Unified School District
740 W Woodbury Rd., Pasadena, CA 91103
Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Pasadena Independent Pasadena Unified School District Notice of Vacancies on the Citizens’ Oversight Committee
Pasadena Unified School District Notice of Vacancies on the Citizens’ Oversight Committee
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