State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson earlier this week issued the following statement in favor of President Barack Obama’s immigration reform plan:
“I strongly support President Obama’s plan for immigration reform because it will strengthen families and communities throughout our state, protecting up to 1.1 million Californians against deportation for at least the next three years.
“This plan helps bring parents out of isolation, providing them with the enhanced security that allows them to participate more fully in the economy and in their communities, including in their children’s schools.
“It helps free students of the fear that their families can be torn apart by deportation at any moment, enabling them to come to school better prepared to learn and succeed in the classroom, in college, and in their careers.
“Finally, the plan benefits all Californians. Improving the career and educational prospects for millions of hard-working immigrant families who want to succeed will help our economy grow and our state prosper.”
Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Arcadia Weekly State Schools Chief Supports Obama’s Immigration Reform Plan
State Schools Chief Supports Obama’s Immigration Reform Plan
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