Come Again to the Sierra Madre Library (Gently) Used Book Sale
The Friends of Sierra Madre Library remind all that their Silent Auction will end on Monday, December 1st at 8 p.m. Many interesting and collectible books are on display in the Main Room of the library. There will be an opportunity to examine them before bidding closes, from 7-8 p.m. on the 1st. There’s a wide variety of books available for bidding, including several signed, limited, and first editions.
Friday, December 5 (3-7 p.m.) and Saturday, December 6 (10 a.m. – 2 p.m.) are the dates for the December Book Sale. Featured will be games, DVDs, and books available for gift-giving or for your own collection! Check out all the holiday books for children in the basement. The “coffee-table book” collection includes some wonderful cookbooks, travel books and art books. We also have a wonderful set of TIME-LIFE “What Life Was Like…” in various periods of world history, complete with maps, diagrams and illustrations which add to the text. Also for the history buff is a collection of books on the Titanic. 2014 books will also be featured, both fiction and non-fiction. And for the first time, we’ll be selling $5.00 Gift Certificates good for a future book sale.
The parking lot will have our usual $1.00 Bargain Books on every subject and small paperbacks for 25 cents or 5/$1.00, as well as Children’s and Teen books from 25 cents to $1.00 each.
Come and shop early for the best bargains!
All proceeds benefit the programs and resources of the Sierra Madre Library. For more information on the Friends’ group please contact the Library at 626-355-7186 or on the Friends’ website at