By Hugo Torres | REALTOR
People looking for rentals today face a competitive and confusing marketplace where things are not always what they seem. This leads to frayed nerves and making heady concessions. In this environment the process may seem more difficult than it has to be but if you give yourself time, if you are realistic and seek professional advance, you stand a chance of finding a residential lease you’ll be happy with.
In recent years, would-be landlords have taken to websites like Craigslist to advertise their units to would-be renters. Though savvy lessees may know how to spot frivolous or misleading posts, many others have reported losing deposit funds to persons who asked them to mail in a cashier’s check in order to reserve a lease. Often time, they find that the listing was copied directly from a Multiple Listing Service and it’s per month price dropped way below market price in order to lure marks. Then, those who respond are asked to mail funds to the “landlord” and meet at the home on a given day to pick up keys. It is then that they discover that a few other would-be-tenants have been sold a similar opportunity. The ad creator of course is now unavailable a group of folks have lost their deposits.
If it’s too good to be true then it probably isn’t and today’s renters need to look beyond the postings; meet landlords in person, tour the property and have lease agreements perused by knowledgeable pros
looking for contractual pitfalls.
Many of today’s renters do not know that real estate agents have the ability to represent tenants in their search and the agents take on the responsibility of identifying, dissecting and negotiating leasing
contracts for their clients. Moreover, their commission is paid by the landlord so there is no out-of-pocket cost for their services to the tenant.
If you are working with an agent to find a rental then these are some things to consider in order to make your lease application stand out to a landlord:
* Do you have a good relationship with your current landlord? If you do, then ask for a letter of recommendation from him or her. A few short paragraphs that outline your payment history and how well you maintained the unit will certainly help.
* Credit Isn’t Perfect? You are not alone in experiencing challenges these last few years. Divorce, health troubles and/or financial setbacks pain many people but have an explanation of what you’ve experienced and in what new course you find yourself in.
* Pets – Pets limit your opportunity to find a rental as the overwhelming majority of landlords shy from accepting them. Do you have family and friends who can take in your loved one? Relocating a pet to another home is a tough choice but it may help you find housing faster.
These and a great many other techniques can help your application reach the top of the heap in a competitive rental market. Take your time, be wary of scams and when in doubt talk to a real estate professional.
Hugo Torres can be found on line at or on FB at