At last night’s City Council meeting, the Duarte City Council “cut the ribbon” on its new, state-of-the-art electronic message board. Working with Architectural Design & Signs Inc. (ADS), the 14 x 10 display LED board features numerous graphic capabilities, a native river rock façade with “City of Duarte” proudly illuminated on top. The message board will be utilized for a variety of City announcements including meetings and special events and is located in front of the City’s Fitness Center. The cost of the board was approximately $96,000 including demolition of the old clock tower, which was removed for safety reasons due to significant structural problems.
The contractor, ADS has successfully performed similar projects for numerous cities and other public venues. The area surrounding the electronic sign will be re-landscaped with drought tolerant, California native landscaping. Look for the sign to be fully functional in the upcoming weeks.
Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Monrovia Weekly Duarte Unveils State of the Art Electronic Message Board
Duarte Unveils State of the Art Electronic Message Board
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