By Dorothy Denne
Well, it happened again. There was an error in my column last week. This time it was not the paper’s fault. It was my own typo. I meant to type that I jiggle. Instead I typed that I juggle. That ruined my line that was to say I giggle, wiggle and jiggle.
However, there was much truth in the new statement. I do juggle a lot nowadays. I’m forever juggling appointments, deadlines, commitments, duties, chores, fun-breaks, etc…
When I find some open space I seem to fill it with something. Or, I fall asleep ’cause I’m pooped from all the previously filled spaces.
I’m juggling time now due to an unexpected time filler. I had to take my husband from the doctor’s office to the emergency room to determine if he had a blood clot or infection. I have not used an emergency room for roughly 40 years, when that same husband broke his arm on a weekend.
Well folks, times have changed. Forty years ago we walked in, they x-rayed his arm, set it, put a cast on it and we walked out again, all within 2 hours. This time we sat in the waiting room longer than that. I had plenty of time to write a column but it was not exactly a conducive environment.
Once he made it into an ER room, the care given to him was very efficient and professional. So 7 hours after we walked in, he was ensconced in a room receiving IVs for the infection and I was walking out the door.
I was ready to fall asleep. Tomorrow I would juggle as necessary and not give a flying hoot whether I giggled, wiggled, or jiggled.
Every morning is the dawn of a new error!