Dear Editor: A Wake-Up Call
I applaud President Obama for the way he is handling the ISIS (Islamic State of Iran and Syria) situation, although many feel that what he is now doing is too little and too late. What is of great concern-is the way he confronts the terrorists, who are threatening us as an external threat, but then ignores the latent terrorist, here at home, who could present hazards that would send the media into a frenzy.
Who can deny that the unwelcome situations which we confront on a daily basis are coincidental? The lethal viruses that are now affecting many Americans, mainly children, are nothing to shun away. The carriers of such maladies appear to be alien to our country. With the emergency rooms crowded as they are, an outbreak of a virus, such as Ebola, could cause civil problems. In the midst of so many undocumented immigrants, there are not enough medical personnel to verify that a healthy person is entering our country.
If biological warfare is a major concern, so is the breach of security in the information arena. If consumers feel that the secrecy of their personal information is threatened when they use either credit or debit cards, no one can fault them if they choose not to go to that establishment. And that translates into loss revenue. But what recourse does an American have, when the banks, brokerage firms or the stock exchanges come under the evil eye of an information thievery? How terrible would of losses be.
Not only do Americans have to worry about the malicious eyes of a person who wants to garnish your information, but we must concern ourselves with the malevolent intentions of individuals who desire to bring chaos upon the United States, by sabotaging our utilities. A brown out scheduled by the local electricity providers is tolerable. But what about a blackout lasting days? How would that affect the local gentry? Although the water main breakage in the L. A. County area was due to old age of the piping, how would the American people react to intentional tampering with our water supply? Not well, I fear. The reaction would be what terrorists would want.
Greatly inconvenient would be a few words to describe the pandemonium that would follow such situations. So, Mr. President, I appreciate it to the highest degree, that you wish to stop the terrorists before they reach our shores, but to a great extent, I am concerned, and rightly so, about the sleeping cells of terrorists in our country, waiting for a wake-up call.
Tony Farinella
El Monte