
Calendar! for week of 10/16


Editor’s Pick


October 18 — Cirque Zuma Zuma at Caltech’s Beckman Auditorium (332 S. Michigan Ave.) at 8 p.m. This troupe from Africa features acrobats, jugglers, vocalists, percussion and comedy, plus the Limbo and Lion dances. Performers are recruited from 16 African nations to attend the training school of African Acrobats International, Inc. and become part of the circus. For information, call (626) 395-4652.Cost: $10 – $32

October 18 — Foothill Gold Line Track Completion Ceremony at Future Azusa Downtown Station (780 N Alameda Ave.) from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.. Join local officials, the Track Installation Crew, the station artist, and the entire Foothill Gold Line team as we drive in the last of the project’s 300,000 e-clips and begin the countdown to construction completion. All are welcome! Free.

October 18 — The Amazing Race at Duarte Teen Center (1400 Buena Vista St.) from 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. The Amazing family Race to the finish is a special event to promote family unity and good health and exercise, race by foot or transit bus throughout the City of Duarte solving clues, competing in challenges, solving puzzles and overcoming obstacles. $40 per team.

El Monte
October 18 — Children’s Day Parade and Harvest Festival Valley Mall, from 10:00:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Parade begins at Valley Mall and Tyler and ends at Arceo Park – Free

October 18 – Irwindale Speedway Night of Champions. Pick Your Part Super Late Models, Seidner’s Collision Centers Mini Stocks, INEX Legends, Universal Studios Hollywood Bandoleros and Irwindale Race Trucks Gates open at 4 p.m.

Los Angeles
October 19 – L.A. Sriracha Festival – Chinatown’s Central Plaza (943-951 N. Broadway) at Local chefs will feature their Sriracha-themed dishes from spare ribs to Sriracha marshmallow chocolate brownie. Local craft beer, cocktails, sodas, iced coffee and iced teas will be served to help cool the heat. Admission $59 per person.


October 16 — Monrovia Family Festival at Myrtle Ave. (Along Myrtle Ave. between Olive & Lime) from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Vendors, farmers’ market, live music, kiddie rides and much, much more. Free.

October 17 — Live folk music concert at 412 at 412 S. Myrtle Ave. at 8 p.m. 626-357-1091 or soKattyWompus.com for information. Free.

Monterey Park

October 10 — Farmers’ Market on 318 S. Ramona Ave.(next to city hall and in front of the library) from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Every Friday night the Monterey Park Certified Farmers Market features the freshest fruits, vegetables, flowers, nuts, honey, breads, hot food items, plus entertainment and surprises that make a great way to start the weekend.

October 16 — Pasadena Water Power Energy Roadmap Event at Art Center College of Design’s Hillside Campus in the Faculty Dining Room(1700 Lida St.) from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.. Join PWP’s second Energy Roadmap Event in honor of Public Power Day. Come see PWP’s scorecard comparing renewable and conventional energy resources for Pasadena’s future energy plan. PWP experts will discuss how different scenarios could impact your bill, affect your electric service and benefit the environment. Attendees can enter a free raffle for an energy-themed gift basket. Cost: Free

October 16 — Kings Rows Famous Whole Pig Roast at Kings Row Gastropub (20 E. Colorado Blvd.) from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. A whole pig, brined for two days and then slow-roasted for 12 hours. Come early before it sell out! Cost: $15 per plate.
October 17 — 19 Pasadena Heritage Craftsman Weekend. A celebration of the American Arts & Crafts Movement featuring three days of architectural tours, hands-on workshops, lectures, special evening events in historic sites, and our Craftsman Exposition. Call 626-441-6333 for tickets,

October 18 — 8th Annual Pasadena Gumbo Fest at T, Boyles Tavern (37 N. Catalina Ave.) from 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Join Claud Beltran’s All You Can Eat, Gumbo, Shrimp, and Crawfish! Featuring Lisa Haley and the Zydekats. For more information, call (626) 578-0957. Cost: $50.00

October 18 -19 — The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare performed at Parson’s Nose Theater (89 S. Fair Oaks Ave.) Saturday at 7:00 p.m., Sunday at 3:00 p.m. Call 626-403-7667 for more information. Cost: Pay What You Will ($5-$25)
October 19 — The Squeegees Live at The Kidspace Pumpkin Festival at the Rose Bowl (1001 Rose Bowl Dr.) at 11 a.m. This LA-based family-friendly band is a group youthful musicians who share a passion for interacting and working with children aim to provide an irresistibly playful musical adventure.The Squeegees have provided an enjoyable medium for kids and parents alike to learn about eating healthy, nature, movement, eco-consciousness and animal welfare. Free.

San Gabriel
October 17 — San Gabriel’s Farmers Market at Vincent Lugo Park (corner of Wells & Ramona Streets) from 4 pm to 8 pm. Free
October 19 — Dr. Eduardo López Navarro-No Mas Drama! A Self Help Seminar at San Gabriel Mission Playhouse (320 S. Mission Drive) from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Come to No Mas Drama!, a self help seminar presented by Dr. Eduardo López Navarro with guests Nayzeth Carrillo, Lidia Posada, and Omar Y Argelia. This seminar is in Spanish.

Sierra Madre

Oct.18 — Sierra Madre Playhouse Presents 4000 Miles at Sierra Madre Playhouse (87 W. Sierra Madre Blvd.) at 8:00 pm. After suffering a major loss while on a cross-country bike trip, 21 year-old Leo seeks refuge with his feisty 91 year-old grandmother Vera in her West Village apartment. Over the course of a single month, these unlikely roommates infuriate, bewilder, and ultimately reach each other. 4000 MILES looks at how two outsiders find their way in today’s world. Cost: $15.00 – $25.00

October 21 — Brain Games – at Hart Park House Senior Center – 222 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. Sierra Madre from 11:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. Improve your memory and strengthen your brain with fun, hands-on activities. Bring your friends as you engage in friendly competition for prizes. Activities facilitated by Swati Puri, Community Liaison for ComForcare Senior Services in Pasadena. For more information, call 626-355-7394.

October 21 — Hawaiian and Polynesian Dance Class at Hart Park House Senior Center (222 W. Sierra Madre Blvd.) from 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Join instructor Barbara Dempsey as she instructs you in the art of Hawaiian and Polynesian Dance. All materials for class are provided.

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