Novelist Francesca Lia Block – Courtesy photo
Critically acclaimed novelist Francesca Lia Block, the 2014 writer in residence at Pasadena City College, will conduct two events Wednesday, Oct. 22, at the Pasadena Senior Center, 85 E. Holly St.
From 10 to 11:30 a.m. she will read from her latest novel “Beyond the Pale Motel” and lead a discussion about the book.
With more than a decade of sobriety behind them, two best friends are close to living the lives they have always wanted. But when one’s husband leaves her and a neighbor is murdered, her world comes crashing down, especially after she suspects her friend may be the next target.
At 6 p.m. Block will conduct a writing workshop that will provide focused instruction and practice in the craft of storytelling, from basic writing concepts to character and conflict development.
Both events are free and open to the public and are made possible by the Pasadena Festival of Women Authors.
Block is the author of more than 25 books of fiction, non-fiction, short stories and poetry. She has been the recipient of the Spectrum Award, Phoenix Award, American Library Association Rainbow Award and Margaret A. Edwards Lifetime Achievement Award as well as positive reviews from the New York Times Book Review, School Library Journal and Publishers Weekly.
For more information please call 626-585-7371. Seating is limited for the writing workshop. To make a reservation, call 626-795-4331.