Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich sharply criticized the Governor’s signing of a law banning plastic bags and imposing a $0.10 fee on all paper bags that the grocery stores will collect.
“The $0.10 per bag fee will force lower income residents in impoverished communities around the state to pay for paper bags, with little indication of how the money will be spent,” said Antonovich.
“This law only further hurts the California economy by jeopardizing thousands of manufacturing jobs and forcing consumers to pay additional fees to grocery stores,” he added.
The Progressive Bag Alliance has vowed to collect the necessary signatures to place this issue on the ballot and let the voters decide if the State should continue with such a flawed economic proposal.
Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Arcadia Weekly Plastic Bag Ban Hurts Financially Depressed Communities, Antonovich says
Plastic Bag Ban Hurts Financially Depressed Communities, Antonovich says
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