Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. last week signed an agreement to establish a sister state/province relationship between California and the Guangdong Province of China and pledged to strengthen ties with the province on trade, technological innovation, clean energy, low carbon development, education and tourism.
Last year – during the Governor’s Trade and Investment Mission to China – Governor Brown visited Guangdong’s capital city of Guangzhou, where he committed to forge a stronger relationship with China’s most populous and economically productive province.
The agreement builds on more than a year and a half of significant diplomatic and business exchanges between California and China, including a climate change agreement with China’s National Development and Reform Commission, the Trade and Investment Mission to China, the opening of the California-China Office of Trade and Investment in Shanghai and a meeting with China’s President Xi Jinping. Partnership on climate change was one of many subjects the Governor discussed with President Xi and a key component of the trade mission, which included a first-of-its-kind agreement with China’s Minister of Environmental Protection, a meeting with officials from the National Development and Reform Commission and remarks on climate change at Tsinghua University in Beijing.
Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Pasadena Independent Governor Brown Signs Sister State Agreement with China’s Guangdong Province
Governor Brown Signs Sister State Agreement with China’s Guangdong Province
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