Sept. 28. 2011, work had only just begun on the massive clean up and recovery from the attacks on the Twin Towers in New York nearly two weeks after the 18 hijackers killed 3000 Americans – Photo by Terry Miller
American Legion Post 247 in Arcadia held a Candlelight Vigil in honor of local first responders and day of remembrance and service. This was a special opportunity to pay tribute to those who served, and continue to serve our country and in our communities. They honored all those who answer the call and remember all who have sacrificed.
Scott Sinclair, Master of Ceremonies, reflected on lives lost and recognized the strength and courage of the actions of our fire department, police and emergency medical technicians every day. He then lit the candle of courage.
Ed Barlow, Commander of the American Legion of Arcadia, which assisted in the New York City recovery efforts through the Red Cross in 2001, remembered “American flags flew from every window and every telephone pole,” he was very proud of “the way the country got behind every recovery effort.” He lit the strength candle.
The prayer was given by Mindy Sinclair, filling in for Chaplin Shirley Dean, to “help leaders make good decisions and live in peace and harmony.” She lit the candle of kindness.
Sandy Housnecht read a poem about our nation with ” an inner strength shines through just like that clear blue sky on that September with that Old Glory waving brightly, reminding us, just who we are.” She then lit the peace candle.
In attendance was the Arcadia City Fire Department. They were presented a thank you poster with cards and messages of praise from school children. Sharon Johnson from the Blue Star Program was also in attendance. Thank you cards were also made for the Arcadia police, Monrovia police and fire, and Temple City police and fire which will be delivered later on this week.
We are very thankful for the hundreds of thank you cards from Arcadia High School, Monroe Elementary, Wild Rose Elementary, Mayflower Elementary, Plymouth Elementary, Bradoaks Elementary, Cloverly Elementary, Emperor Elementary, Temple City High School and Dr. Doug Sears Leaning Center in the San Gabriel Valley.