Arcadia, California, Saturday, October 4, 2014, 5:00-11:00 PM: The Arcadia High School Rockin’ Reunion Committee is happy to announce the “AHS 2nd Annual Rockin’ Reunion” to be held at Matt Denny’s Ale House located at 145 Huntington Drive. Live rock-n-roll music performed by Arcadia’s own Saucy Jack! AMAZING raffle prizes! >bring cash!! (Raffle donations still being accepted–a great way to promote your business!) What started out as the 40th reunion for the Class of ’74 has morphed into a multi-year reunion (60’s to early 80’s). People attending the reunion must enter Matt Denny’s from the REAR (Patio Side) of the restaurant. For further information, email Debbie Turner at or call 612-237-0314.
Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Monrovia Weekly AHS 2nd Annual Rockin’ Reunion Oct 4
AHS 2nd Annual Rockin’ Reunion Oct 4
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