Duarte High School To Host Twelfth Annual Foothill Cities College Fair
The annual Foothill Cities College Fair will take place on Wednesday, September 17, 2013 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. atn the Duarte High School campus, 1565 E. Central Ave. Admission is free. The event occurs annually in conjunction with Duarte High School’s annual “Back to School Night.”
Students and their parents can compare the programs and opportunities offered by more than 40 colleges and universities from throughout California and the United States. Among the many learning institutions already confirmed will be local community colleges, private and state universities, and career colleges, including: University of California -Los Angeles, La Sierra University, California State University Northridge, National University, Azusa Pacific University, Cal Poly Pomona, Humboldt State, Concordia University and many more.
The Foothill Cities College Fair is presented by the Duarte Unified School District and the City of Duarte, Duarte’s Promise; The Alliance for Youth. For more information about the twelfth annual Foothill Cities College Fair, please call Duarte’s Promise at Duarte City Hall at (626) 357-7931, ext. 260.
About the City of Duarte
The City of Duarte was incorporated on August 22, 1957. With integrity and transparency, the City provides exemplary public services in a caring and fiscally responsible manner with a commitment to our community’s future. For more information visit www.accessduarte.com or call (626) 357-7931. Follow the City of Duarte on Twitter @CityofDuarte.