New Field Research Corporation poll questions show how Californians feel about water waster fines & raising rates to cut water usage
As the state faces serious drought conditions and an uncertain water future, Next 10 ( is issuing a new challenge to Californians:
Can you create a plan to make sure there’s enough water for us all?
On Sept. 9, the nonprofit, nonpartisan organization will launch the new California Water Challenge (, an online simulation tool that lets each user create a unique plan to meet the increasing demands on the state’s limited water supplies. Next 10 will also make public the findings of two Field Research Corporation polling questions that ask Californians how they feel about fining water wasters and what they think of potentially increasing water rates in order to lower demand.
Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Arcadia Weekly New Online Game Asks You to Plan CA’s Challenging Water Future
New Online Game Asks You to Plan CA’s Challenging Water Future
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