An angry resident has sent the following letter to council:
Dear Mayor Lutz,
I am appalled to have received a $250 citation from the City of Monrovia for my partially green lawn last week. The photo accompanying my citation is enclosed.
I need not cite the statistics on the current drought, as I received and read the “Conservation & Drought Monrovia’s Emergency Water Shortage “ article in Monrovia Today this week.
It is unconscionable to be issuing both over-watering and non-watering citations at this time.
I believe the City of Monrovia is on the wrong side of history pursuing a dead vegetation ordinance in a severe drought.
The eco-balance of our city is far more important than my neighbor’s view of my lawn. Regardless of all the other reasons to conserve water at this time, the wildlife are coming further down onto Norumbega to drink from our water sources and sprinkler runoff. I see the deer, raccoons and coyotes each morning at dawn when I go run up toward Canyon Park.
I have been discussing the status of my front yard with Rick at the City for months, and have greatly improved my curb view with plants and grass, getting verbal sign off from Rick one month before receiving my citation in the mail.
I request my citation be cancelled, and furthermore request the dead vegetation ordinance be suspended by the city until the drought is improved. I will use my unique situation to begin a campaign for suspension of the ordinance.
Thank you for your time, I look forward to hearing the City of Monrovia taking appropriate action that is responsive and appropriate to the circumstances.