Lifeline For Pets Cat of the Week: Twin Kittens DERRICK & DANIEL
Black & White
Age 3 months
These little guys are too cute–fluffy balls of fur!! They were born about May, 2014, and are healthy, playful, and friendly. Just imagine how much fun you’ll have with these two! Our special “Twofer” offer means you can adopt both for the price of one! This includes their vaccines, neutering, and microchips. It’s a great deal, and allows you to save 2 lives at once, keep best pals together for life, and gives you double the fun! Call Shazi at 626-676-9505 for an adoption application.
Lifeline For Pets is a no-kill rescue organization operated solely by caring volunteers.
To see us in person at our weekend adoptions in the Pasadena area, check our website for locations & schedules.
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