Full Closure of Mountain Ave/Duarte Rd Intersection this weekend: August 22 – 24
Construction of the new light rail street-level grade crossing at Mountain Ave just north of Duarte Rd will be completed this week, two months ahead of schedule. Crews will be transitioning work on Mountain Ave to the second phase, which will require a full closure of the southern half of Duarte Rd on Mountain Ave for approximately three months. The second phase of work is needed to realign the intersection to improve visibility for the traveling public and future trains, as well as install new storm drains, traffic signals, sidewalks and crosswalks.
To prepare the two streets for the second phase of work, a full weekend closure of the Mountain Ave/Duarte Rd Intersection will take place this coming weekend – Friday, August 22 at 9 p.m. through Sunday, August 24 at 9 p.m. (24-hours a day). The intersection of Mountain Ave and Duarte Rd will be fully closed to traffic in all directions during this weekend’s closure.
Full Weekend Intersection Closure:
Friday, August 22, 2014 at 9:00 p.m. thru Sunday, August 24, 2014 at 9:00 p.m.: The intersection of Mountain Ave and Duarte Rd will be closed to thru-traffic to reconfigure the traffic lanes and prepare for the second phase of work at the intersection. On August 24 at 9:00 p.m., the northern portion of the Mountain Ave/Duarte Rd intersection will fully re-open, as will one lane of traffic in each direction on Duarte Rd. The southern portion of the intersection will be closed, for approximately three months.
Three-Month Closure of Mountain Ave South of Duarte Rd:
Sunday, August 24, 2014 at 9:00 p.m. thru November 2014: Mountain Ave will be closed to thru-traffic from the center of Duarte Rd south through the intersection. Duarte Rd will remain open, one lane of traffic in each direction. The approximate three-month closure will be in place 24-hours per day, seven days per week. Crews will work extended work shifts from 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight, Monday thru Friday, in order to expedite this work. Occasional work on weekends may be performed. Construction schedules are subject to change.
Detour routes will be in place during the full weekend intersection closure and the following three-month closure of the southern portion of the intersection; signage will be posted to direct motorists.
Pedestrian access will be available thru a temporary pedestrian crossing adjacent to the work zone.
Another full intersection closure will take place at the end of the second construction phase to realign the traffic lanes in their final configuration.
Access to all local businesses on Mountain Ave and Duarte Rd will remain open at all times during the street construction.
Bus stops in this vicinity may be temporarily relocated. For information about:
o MTA bus services call (323) GO-METRO (323-466-3876) or go to www.metro.net
o Foothill Transit bus services call (800) RIDE-INFO (800-743-3463) or go to www.foothilltransit.org
o Duarte Transit local services call (626) 358-9627 or go to www.accessduarte.com
o Monrovia Transit local services call (626) 358-3538 or go to www.cityofmonrovia.org/planning/page/monrovia-transit
Visit www.foothillgoldline.org