Dorothy Denne
I seem to be thinking about and dealing with food a lot lately. I don’t know. It is just so darn good.
Nutritionists used to say we needed three square meals a day. Three squares make me round.
Now they say we need several small meals throughout the day. That makes me even rounder. Mine usually aren’t small. I mean, once you start, why would you stop until it is all gone?
Food is good for the soul. Thomas Moore says, “When you look closely at the image of soulfulness, you see that it is tied to life in all its particulars–good food, satisfying conversation, genuine friends and experiences that stay in the memory and touch the heart.”
I strongly believe in caring for the soul. What better way than to have the experience of genuine friends sharing satisfying conversation while eating good food? As Moore said, that is life in all its particulars.
I enjoy all of the above. I’m not quite yet willing to give up any of them. I think the time may be fast approaching. The other day when I went for my walk, my fanny pack was so tight I had to wear it around my neck. I think that was a sign.