-Courtesy photo
How do you lose a 59′ giant rubber duck? Torrential downpours and heavy flooding accomplished that task in China last week; however, the loss of the enormous bath toy won’t impede plans for the duck’s West Coast debut at the Tall Ships Festival Los Angeles on August 20.
According to Craig Samborski, executive producer of the Tall Ships Festival Los Angeles, not only will the gigantic rubber duck be on hand, but it will be larger than the 59-foot model last seen in Taiwan. Constructing an original rubber duck for the event “has been the plan all along,” said Samborski.
Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman’s rubber duck was created to celebrate differences while bringing people together at large events such as the Tall Ships Festival Los Angeles and has made two appearances in the U.S., at unrelated events in Norfolk, Va., and Pittsburgh, Pa.
“The duck is a big part of festival, but the Tall Ships are also an exceedingly fun part of the event as well,” Samborski stated. More than a dozen international and national Tall Ships will call the Port of Los Angeles home for four days.
Los Angeles can also expect to see a miniature, relatively speaking, 9′ Baby Duck frequenting the area in a quest to find its mother leading up to the festival. While children certainly tend to have their own agenda, the Baby Duck’s planned visits include Hollywood, Venice Beach, Children’s Hospital and City Hall.
A flurry of activity will surround the duck and Tall Ships at the Port of Los Angeles for the week of August 20 – 24 that includes everything from live entertainment to food trucks and family friendly crafting stations.
Samborski said he is also considering a naming contest for the big yellow duck, but for now the jovial bird remains nameless.
Media is encouraged to attend the event with press passes available. For inquiries please contact ryan@greendoormediaworks.com.
Latest information and updates can be found on the Tall Ships Festival LA FaceBook page.
Follow the rubber duck’s Los Angeles adventure on Twitter using the #RubberDuckLA.